06 Skin Need Sunblock 25ml in Travel Size
06 Skin Need Sunblock 25ml in Travel Size
06 Skin Need Sunblock 25ml in Travel Size
06 Skin Need Sunblock 25ml in Travel Size

06 Skin Need Sunblock 25ml in Travel Size

HK$198.00 Sale Save


透過全新升級配方,加強護膚技術及成分比例,新配方更輕盈柔滑,讓肌膚盡情享受無重感。 此保濕防曬霜無油、輕盈、低致敏、不易長粉刺,專為易油、泛紅、暗瘡肌膚而設。配方蘊含透明質酸、蘆薈、洋甘菊和香脂薄荷等成分,為肌膚提供清爽保濕的舒適感,同時能凈化並有效控制油脂分泌,不含矽和礦物油,不會堵塞毛孔,為妝前做好準備。

25 mle



-hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic, water-based and fresh SPF protecting lotion without potentially pore-clogging silicon derivatives and mineral oil

-balances and purifies oil-prone and break-out prone skin allowing maximum comfort throughout the day

-hydrates skin to avoid excessive sebum production

-soothes redness and irritation with Chamomile Extract and Aloe Vera Leaf juice

-compatible with foundations and concealers


**this product is Gluten-free



Titanium Dioxide, Zinc Oxide,Chamomile Extract, Aloe Vera Leaf Extract, Balm Mint Extract


LMW Sodium Hyaluronate, HMW Sodium Hyaluronate, Phytic Acid, Allantoin, Xanthan Gum, Decyl Glucoside, Potassium Polysorbate, Citric Acid, Distilled Water.


於出門前使用,將四分之一大小的防曬液滴在掌心,均勻地輕輕拍打在皮膚上。每1.5小時重新塗抹一次。 可與其他Skin need物理防曬霜混合使用,以調配所需顏色及妝效。