Better Together Double Serum
Better Together 水油2合1水光原生液
[建議售價$398 15ml]
鎖水的角鯊烷及保濕的透明質酸 - 兩者完美結合
皮膚乾燥缺水,但抗拒使用滋潤濃厚的油溶性精華? WULT首度推出完美水油比例配方,Better Together 水油2合1水光原生液 結合鎖水的角鯊烷及保濕的透明質酸,微微搖晃即可激活成水油狀精華,為肌膚提供輕盈柔潤感。
使用面霜後,將適量的精華直接塗抹於乾燥的皮膚區域上,或加入至其他護膚產品當中,提供額外的呵護。同時強化皮膚屏障並減少經表皮的水份流失,為你帶來一整天持久而輕盈舒適的水潤感。精華配方更加入抗壞血酸磷酸鎂 - 維生素C的衍生物,幫助促進透亮光澤膚色。
純素護膚game up!
植物基底油被認為是護膚品中活性成份的潤膚劑,潤膚劑是鎖住皮膚水份、形成完整皮膚屏障以抵禦乾燥、脫水和過敏的重要成份。然而,由於質地厚重的油脂可能會混合化妝品或脫落的皮膚角質,導致堵塞毛孔。Better Together 水油2合1水光原生液的輕盈感,加上不堵塞毛孔及不致痘配方,能輕鬆解決皮膚乾燥和缺水問題。
使用前請先搖勻 Better Together 水油2合1水光原生液。除了可以直接塗抹於乾燥皮膚上,亦可以加入至任何護膚品中混合使用,以增強鎖水效果,以向上打圈的方式輕輕按摩,直到肌膚感到舒適及充分滋養。
僅供外用,避免接觸眼睛。第一次使用產品前,建議閱讀產品說明,先取少量產品塗抹於手腕或臉部小範圍進行敏感測試。如出現敏感情況,請即停止使用,用清水徹底沖洗。如持續敏感症狀,如痕癢或紅腫等情況,請儘快求醫及聯絡Woke Up Like This。請勿在患病或破損的皮膚上使用。
容量:15mle / 0.51 fl. oz.
Better Together Double Serum
[Suggested price is $398, 15mle]
Watery Skin Smoothing Oil
Suitable for All Skin Types
Dread the richness of oil serums but skin is dehydrated and needs a little tenderly love and nourishment? This Better Together Double Serum has the best of both worlds – moisturizing Squalane and hydrating Hyaluronic Acid – that activates into a watery oil upon a gentle shake. Use directly on extremely dry skin after using moisturizer, or add drop-wise into your skincare products to provide additional pamper, fortifying the skin and reducing trans-epidermal water loss to delivery a lightweight and comfortable dewiness that lasts all day long. The formula also contains Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate - a derivative of Vitamin C that is stable and effective, balancing skin tone and illuminating the skin.
White Horehound Extract, Ginkgo Leaf Extract, Vitamin B5, Oil-soluble Hyaluronic Acid, Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate, Olive-derived Squalane, Natural Bisabolol, Meadowfoam Seed Oil, Vitamin E.
DI Water, Glycerin, Lecithin, Ethylhexylglycerin. Sweet Orange Essential Oil, Atlas Cedarwood Essential Oil.
How it strengthens your skincare game:
Plant-based oils are considered to be emollients in the world of cosmetic active ingredients, and emollient is an essential component to locking in skin moisture and creating an intact barrier to defend against dryness, dehydration, and sensitizing agents. However, since the richness of oils interacting with makeup and skin debris may result in skin congestion, the Better Together Double Serum serves as a comfortable, lightweight, and non-comedogenic solution to skin dehydration and dryness.
Free of: Propylene Glycol, Artificial Fragrance, Alcohols, Mineral Oil, Silicone Derivatives, Palm Derivatives.
Use directly on extremely dry skin after cleansing, toning, serum, and moisturizer, or blend drop-wise into any skincare product. Gently massage onto skin in an upward circular motion until skin is comfortable and well nourished.
For external use only. Avoid contact into eyes. Keep out of reach of children. For your wellbeing and safety, read product instructions and patch test product before use. For first time users, take caution and only apply on a penny sized area to ensure there are no adverse effects. For extremely sensitive, delicate or irritated skin, we recommend checking the ingredient list to ensure it does not include your known allergens, or consult your physician before use. In the unlikely event of sensitivity, rinse off immediately, consult a physician and notify the product distributor. Do not use on diseased or broken skin.
15mle / 0.51 fl. oz.
Clean & vegan
Please recycle
Suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding